My dog, Buu is sick. :< (pictured above) I feel so bad for her! It started when we took her to the vet. Everything seemed fine till the vet checked her for heart worms... and she tested positive. I was devastated. I never thought she had them... yes, she has always been thin but I never thought it was because of that. I guess I was just naive. Anyhow, I decided that I am not going to seek treatment unless absolute nessescary. The vet said that it could cost anywhere from $500-$600 for a dog her size. Well, I thought, "Hey, God could heal her." If I don't have enough faith for a dog to be healed, how could I have enough faith for a person? ^__^'' So, I have been praying daily for her swift recovery. I beleive!
Today Buu started choking on something... not sure what. She had me worried all morning. She started wheezing loudly and trembling. She refused to eat anything and she kept her tail tucked under. I felt so bad for my baby! I held her close, and tried to calm her down. Later on my husband checked on her during his lunch break and was able to flush whatever out was choking her. We didn't even realise she was choking! x__x'' I'm just so releived that she's okay now. Today sure has been a rough day....