I have several photos of the Anime Fest 2009 in Dallas. Sorry for the low quality, all I had was my camera phone. x_o The image above is of me and my coworker Jesse at the dealer's room on Sunday. I cosplayed as Deidara from Naruto! ^o^
Just a shot of the dealer's room. Again, sorry for the poor quality of these photos. I really wish I had brought my digital camera with me. u_u From what you can see from this photo, this is just one corner of the room. The room they used was very large, unfortunately not many dealers came this year so there was a lot of free space.
Just before the Naruto photo-shoot started I took this picture of two girls dressed as Itachi and Deidara. Reminds me of when I went as a fem-Sasuke at Ikkicon two years ago.
This was one of my favorite pictures during the Naruto photo-shoot. I really liked Suigetsu's sword... it was very well done. It seemed he actually worked for the convention because whenever some of the cosplayers would get out of line he'd jump up there with his sword and get everybody back to where they were supposed to be. xD
This is probably the best picture of me in my costume. n_n I took this at my Mom's apartment. You have no idea what kind of trouble I had to go through to get that wig ready in time for the convention. No idea. @_@
It's all of us Akatsuki. ^o^ That's me there on my knees beside Hidan. As you can see there were a couple of Tobis, and a handful of Deidaras. Only one person cosplayed as Hidan, and a couple cosplayed as Itachi. No Kisame. :(
A close-up shot. If you look real close you can see a girl standing behind me with black hair. She was cosplaying as Itachi... she was so cute! She kept locking her arm with mine as we were standing there watching the photo-shoot. So sweet. X3
Poor Tobi.
I wasn't sure what this was but it looked really cool. lol
This was one of my favorite costumes. This guy took a bunch of mountain dew cans and made a samurai suit out of them! :D So cool! He walked around the con yelling 'Do the Dew!'.
That's all the photos I got for now... I may upload some more later on a future post. :p I really enjoyed this year's con, it was so much better than it was two years ago. (at least for me, anyways) It seemed smaller this year but I didn't mind... I got to do most of all the things I wanted to do this time and two of those things was cosplaying and going to the cosplay contest. All in all, great convention!