Hello again! Today I am going to share with you all a wonderful piece of software that I just discovered the other day that I believe can help any of you who like to play a lot of games on your computer!
This software is called "Game Booster", and is available from cnet and is totally free to use. PC only, however I don't know too many Mac users who like to game a lot anyways. xD The link is right here - http://download.cnet.com/Game-Booster/3000-18512_4-10913645.html
So what is Game Booster? It's basically a utility that functions to shut down any unnecessary background processes running on your computer in order to reserve RAM and PC usage to whatever game you are playing. It's also very easy to use. I downloaded it last night to use with Minecraft and it was very easy to figure out and navigate.
Not only does it shut down processes for you but it also has a nice handy lil' system monitor section where it shows you exactly how much CPU and RAM you are currently using.
What surprised me was it also has a system scanner that can detect outdated drivers and gives links to the web page that provides the driver update you may be missing. Awesome! I hardly ever think about keeping up with my drivers... now a handy program can keep track of all that for me. This software also lists different things that are also handy to have with certain games like TeamSpeak, Ventrilo, etc.
Cnet and users gave this software a 4/5 star rating. ^_^ I agree!
BTW - I tried this software with Adobe Photoshop CS5 and it improved it's performance greatly!