So this semester I have somewhat of a light load. I'm only taking three classes and one lab, which just makes 13 hours total. I would have taken one more, but it was too close to time for me to leave in order to get to church. D:
But, it seems it may be best for me to take it slow during these harder courses since some of them are exceptionally hard for me!

Like my computer architecture class, I have like no idea what I'm doing in there. XD We are supposed to be working with various electronic equipment that I have no prior knowledge of. I'm not the only one struggling though - over half the class in lab yesterday couldn't finish but 1 of 2 parts of our assignment in a two hour period. So we will have to come back on Wednesday. x_x Part of the problem was that the lab assistants just skimmed over the equipment and then expected us to just know how to use it. u__u'' I didn't know how to use that stuff, let alone what that stuff was called! Kinda hard for me to ask for help when I don't even know what I'm working with. :P We were supposed to be measuring frequencies on various wave forms at different speeds. After we were done with that, the second part of the assignment was to get what they call a breadboard (no, it's not made out of bread!) and place chips on it. Most of the chips didn't work so a lot of us didn't make it that far. @_@
My other two classes are Algorithm design and Analysis and Database Management Concepts. The Algorithm class seems very challenging, but I believe by God's grace I will manage. ^__^'' After all, I thought the same thing about Data Structures class and I pulled a B! (I prayed a lot, ;3) I also just need to study more than some people. I tend to forget that I do have a learning disability and often times I try to ignore that. <_< Maybe it's because the one time I tried to speak up about it the teacher got mad... but that was back in junior college. D: They can't afford good teachers a lot of times at junior colleges. (that's mostly my opinion, but I have experience to believe that I am correct)
aaaaaaanyways.... aside from school stuff and visiting my Mom, I recently purchased a *gasp* a tablet! *gasp*
Now you are probably wondering, why on earth do I need a tablet when I already have a tablet PC? That's a very good question. XD Well, it's not like I ever wanted one... but it worked out that it would actually save me money if I could just download all my textbooks on it (essentially using it as a e-reader) mostly for free, instead of paying nearly $400 in books every semester. This way it's just a one time fee of $380 (in the case of my Acer Iconia Tablet) and then I can download whatever books I need for school on it for the rest of my days at college! I am enjoying it very much, I think it actually motivates me to study more because I like using it. :P That should be a good thing.
So that's about the jist of what's happened since my last post, other than me being another year older now. :D I had a great birthday, Bennie bought me a delicious mint chocolate chip ice cream cake! <3