Tuesday, October 25, 2011

One Crazy Morning

So today was very interesting! (I'm talking as if the day has already ended, but it's only 11:38 AM as I am typing this :P)

This morning I was driving in to town to pick up some dog food and a cup of coffee at a local coffee house in Henderson. I decided to take Zoe with me because she LOVES to go riding in the car and the place where I buy dog food allows pets so I thought I'd take her inside. ^_^

Well, on the way to town on this two lane road, I saw this huge utility vehicle swerve into my lane (heading towards me) and then serve back. I slowed down to give him time to get pulled back over, and then I saw a small english bulldog standing in the road! Then a white truck came speeding by and nearly clipped it on its jaw. I quickly pulled up to the little dog and opened my door, "GET IN!" XD Without hesitation, the bulldog walked right up to the car and began to crawl in the floorboard right in front of the gas pedals. Seeing this strange dog crawl into our car, Zoe rears her head around my seat and starts growling. "NOW'S NOT THE TIME ZOE!!" I said, pushing her back into the back seat. Meanwhile, I am still parked in the middle of my lane with no flashers on and a pick-up truck waiting behind me patiently. o_o

So we take off awkwardly with me attempting to drive with this bulldog sitting in my floorboard. I knew I would have to go back home since I had Zoe with me so I turned around and headed back for the house. Then just as I glanced to my left I see a man waving at me standing in a driveway. I then again, manage to turn around and pull up to this guy's driveway thinking I must have picked up his dog.

I rolled down my window and the guy calls out, "IS THIS YOUR DOG!?" pointing to yet another english bulldog that was standing beside him. "Um, no... I was thinking THIS was YOUR dog." I said, speaking of the bulldog I had just picked up. Turns out, the two bulldogs had been traveling together and we didn't know who they belonged to. Then suddenly a guy walked up and said they belonged to him! So with relief, I pulled up into their driveway and opened my door to let the bulldog out - but he wouldn't budge!

The one guy walked up trying to coax the bulldog but he was just as pleased to stay right in my floorboard. Then the owner came out and literally had to drag the bulldog out of my car. And apparently, sometime during the process the bulldog pooped himself and it smeared on my leg!! :O

So the guys thanked me and I left. o_O Like I said, one crazy morning. I headed in to the coffee shop as previously planned with poo on my leg, and used their bathroom to clean it off. When I got to ordering my drink, the man there asked me what I had been up to this morning. I told him the whole story, including the part of the cleaning off the poo using their bathroom. Maybe he won't be so inclined to ask his customers such personal questions in the future. XD

Sunday, October 9, 2011

September and Myumi Pics

Hey all! Sorry it's been so long since my last post... I've been kinda sick off and on and school has been keeping me busy. ^_^''

I decided to upload some pictures and make a post about all the interesting stuff that I've been doing lately. :3

^ In the above pic, Myumi has gotten inside the bottom compartment of the cat tree. She usually doesn't do this so I had to take a picture. XD

^ Another pic featuring Myumi... in the car! Doesn't she look a bit nervous? :P Yeah, Myumi and I had to take a break from the house for a bit when we had the house sprayed for bugs a few weeks ago. Normally I wouldn't let a cat ride in the car loose like this but I was in a hurry so I just scooped her up and got in the car! Lol. She was actually far better behaved than I expected her to be, she only meowed a couple of times and mostly just stayed in one spot the whole time.

^ This next pic is of a recent lab project I did this past week. It was for my computer architecture class. ^_^ I made a connection to a LED display that would flash numbers from 0 - 9, much like they use in digital clocks. I thought it was pretty fun, lots of wires to get tangled up though. @_@

^ and of course Myumi is again the center of focus in this last picture. :P I caught her hiding in my school backpack... it was just so cute I couldn't pass up getting a picture of it! She loves to get in bags and things, whatever she can hide in. When someone or another animal walks by she'll pounce on them. :3 I need to get her declawed at some point... she often plays too rough. D:

So there were all the highlights of my September. XD Apparently it was almost all about Myumi... Lol. She is a really fun kitty. <3
