It has been SO cold here lately. @__@ It all happened so suddenly, too. One week it was 80 something degrees and then it plummets to 50 degrees the following week! That may not sound very cold to some folk, but it's pretty chilly for us Texans!
Something really funny happened today. I took Buu and Zoe outside to go get the mail and I saw Zoe take off across the street. I chased after her, yelling at her to come back, and finally caught up to her. She was on the side of the road sniffing at some animal... it LOOKED like a fox, but it was kinda hard to tell. She then chased it off into the woods and I proceeded to call for her till she finally decided to stop being so stubborn and came back.
I was really interested in what this animal was, so I put Buu and Zoe back in the house and went back to the spot where I saw the animal run into the woods. Thinking it might have been our lost cat Illidan, I called "here kitty kitty kitty" a few times and I heard something rustling around in the leaves. Whatever it was, it wasn't afraid of me and wasn't running away. I then decided to go get Ben out of his sick bed so he could give me his opinion on the matter while I tried to coax this animal out of the forest line with cat food. We figured it had to be tame otherwise it would have ran away at the sound of my voice. However, apparently there is such a thing as "urban armadillos" around here. xD I finally spotted the animal, it was an armadillo that was responding to the cat call. Ben theorized that the armadillo may have been used to stalking cats so it could steal their food... made enough sense to me. I threw some cat food to it and went back inside.
... in other news, Sonic Adventure has been released onto the Xbox live and PS3 marketplace! o____O'' Isn't that crazy? I totally didn't see this coming at all!
This port has received much criticism because nothing really has changed since the original Dreamcast version. No graphical enhancements have been made, no levels added, no extras, no nothing. However, this specific port could be considered the best looking version between the three versions (360/PS3, Gamecube, and Dreamcast) because of the higher 720p resolution and increased frame rate. Sonic Adventure is available now on the Xbox marketplace for $10, and for an additional $5 you can get the DX version. I'll probably just settle for the $10 version, since I actually have a copy of Sonic Adventure for the cube. :3 This is going to be a fun way to get more achievements!! I heard that you can also get avatar awards from this game as well. <3
What about SA2? According to some rumors SA2 will also be available at a later date... but I can't confirm that right now.
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