Saturday, January 29, 2011

Ugh x_x

So Buu escaped again... three weeks ago actually, while she was still in heat! I figured she would have come back on her own but she has yet to come home. Nevertheless, from the day she escaped I have been driving around our area looking and calling for her. On the night she escaped Zoe ran off with her also but for some reason Zoe decided to come back that very night close to midnight. So why did Buu not come back I don't know, all I know is that she is in heat so that may be dictating her behavior right now. I'm just glad Zoe came back. @__@''

I've posted four flyers but two of them have either flew away or someone took them down. I've also listed her on various pet lost & found websites and craigs list. I called both the Henderson and Nachodoches animal shelters. (Nach was a long shot but in three weeks Buu could have gotten pretty far) I just don't know what else to do other than to continue searching for her every day around our area. I have a suspicion of the area she may be in but it's mostly woods and hard to navigate. Anybody got any ideas that I haven't tried yet?? o__o''

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