Friday, July 22, 2011

Some Thoughts

As you can see, I'm doing more art this year than I've done since... since.. since, well since I started getting a life. XD Lol. That doesn't mean that I don't have a life anymore, tho! ^__~

This week was VBS at our church. It only lasted three nights but it was long enough. @.@ I got stuck working in the sound booth which was incredibly boring to do since I had to be alone most of the time. I really wanted to be more involved with what the kids were doing and get to know them better since I hardly know any of the children at our church. u__u'' I really don't "know" many people at our church, for that matter, but I am working on that! ^^'' Mostly my fault... I am kinda awkward with social situations. Hence the reason for me not actually getting a life till a few years ago, Lol.

But... thinking back to the olden days when my life was mostly online does bring back some fond memories. I miss my old friends, some of which I don't have anyway of getting in touch with anymore. .___. There are some people out in this world that I really do miss, that if I had the ability to go back in time and spend one day online again with them I would totally do it. Moving out to the woods in the middle of nowhere just makes me feel even more isolated. Blah, I don't mean to get emotional on you people... that's just how I feel. x.x

Hmmmm, I guess I should talk about something more meaningful. Here lately I've been listening to the Christian Radio and I'm LOVING that song called "Reach". I thought it was by Newsboys but it's actually a single by Peter Furler (The singer from Newsboys). I didn't know he was making his own music... so anyways, I started listening to some of his other songs on YouTube and now he is one of my favorite Christian artists. @__@ I really like his music because the majority of what he sings about is actually CHRISTIAN related in some way... not just singing about loosing a cellphone on a batman ride, Lol. *gets bricked by all the Relient K fans* Hey I like Relient K too! It's just much of their lyrics are a bit vague and aren't as spiritually meaningful. :X

I shuddup now. *poof*

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