Thursday, January 5, 2012

Greetings from Oregon!

EDIT: For more pictures of our vacation, check out my photobucket!

Hello again, this time I'm blogging from several states away from home! :D

Well we've been here for almost a week now, we got here last weekend and we'll be leaving tomorrow afternoon. It has been a very eventful week. We've been going sight-seeing and visiting relatives. We went back to Mount Hood and walked around in the snow. n_n Those pictures above of the snow and trees are from Mount Hood. Ben and I also went to downtown Portland to hang out with his cousin and her boyfriend. We road a train to get there... it was kinda like a above ground subway, very different from what I'm used to!

I really like Ben's Mom's apartment because of one main reason... ducks! (as pictured above) Her apartment has lots of ducks that live outside. They come waddling up to you if they think you have food and swarm you. XD So cute. They also have really fat squirrels. I've never seen squirrels so tame. They will eat nuts out of your hand if you let them!

We tried to visit one of the beaches here but the weather was so bad that we couldn't really see anything. So we just drove around and looked at the beautiful scenery. All the plants and trees are so healthy and lively looking here. I took way more pictures than the ones featured in this post, I'll probably post them when I get home. :3

I'm looking forward to coming home this weekend... I've been homesick for awhile since I've been gone so long. @_@'' Catch y'all later!

1 comment:

Captain Jess said...

It looks beautiful! Makes me miss the snow and little bit. I like to visit it sometimes. Those are some awesome pictures. Good, sharp quality and i think you may have photography talent in you because the shots seem well thot out. So cool that the duckies and squirrels are so friendly. I used to feed duckies at the river when I was little. Been wanting to do that again. I've never been able to get closer than 5ft to a squirrel before it ran off. Wonder how they got so comfortable? Can't wait to see all your pictures and hang out with you again. Travel safely in Jesus name!
