Thursday, October 22, 2009

way too busy for my own good

Life has been crazy as usual, school and work... and dude, work has been really different lately.

It all started when our district manager had to step down from her post for a family matter, and was replaced by new woman. This lady is really nice, and I like her a lot. However, if you don't do your job you'll be in big trouble! xD This lady doesn't bluff like the others did... like, three people have now been fired/laid off since she's been in control of our district. Our store has a skeleton crew again, yay... just in time for Christmas! So many changes are happening, but I hope it will be for the best. All I can do is trust God right now because I don't have many other options...

School is going well, it's just wearing me out. I'm kinda getting tired of having to wake up early every day. @.@

Monday, October 5, 2009



I need sleep....

so much sleep....

Programming class is so boring sometimes. ~_~


Saturday, September 5, 2009

Anifest 2009



I have several photos of the Anime Fest 2009 in Dallas. Sorry for the low quality, all I had was my camera phone. x_o The image above is of me and my coworker Jesse at the dealer's room on Sunday. I cosplayed as Deidara from Naruto! ^o^


Just a shot of the dealer's room. Again, sorry for the poor quality of these photos. I really wish I had brought my digital camera with me. u_u From what you can see from this photo, this is just one corner of the room. The room they used was very large, unfortunately not many dealers came this year so there was a lot of free space.


Just before the Naruto photo-shoot started I took this picture of two girls dressed as Itachi and Deidara. Reminds me of when I went as a fem-Sasuke at Ikkicon two years ago.


This was one of my favorite pictures during the Naruto photo-shoot. I really liked Suigetsu's sword... it was very well done. It seemed he actually worked for the convention because whenever some of the cosplayers would get out of line he'd jump up there with his sword and get everybody back to where they were supposed to be. xD


This is probably the best picture of me in my costume. n_n I took this at my Mom's apartment. You have no idea what kind of trouble I had to go through to get that wig ready in time for the convention. No idea. @_@


It's all of us Akatsuki. ^o^ That's me there on my knees beside Hidan. As you can see there were a couple of Tobis, and a handful of Deidaras. Only one person cosplayed as Hidan, and a couple cosplayed as Itachi. No Kisame. :(


A close-up shot. If you look real close you can see a girl standing behind me with black hair. She was cosplaying as Itachi... she was so cute! She kept locking her arm with mine as we were standing there watching the photo-shoot. So sweet. X3


Poor Tobi.


I wasn't sure what this was but it looked really cool. lol


This was one of my favorite costumes. This guy took a bunch of mountain dew cans and made a samurai suit out of them! :D So cool! He walked around the con yelling 'Do the Dew!'.

That's all the photos I got for now... I may upload some more later on a future post. :p I really enjoyed this year's con, it was so much better than it was two years ago. (at least for me, anyways) It seemed smaller this year but I didn't mind... I got to do most of all the things I wanted to do this time and two of those things was cosplaying and going to the cosplay contest. All in all, great convention!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

More posties

Yaaaay new post... maybe I'll be more frequent now. X3

As most of you DA people probably already know, my tablet is getting fixed for some sleeping problems and a volume button that does not work properly. Right now I'm using my macbook to do everything my tablet was doing... which isn't so easily done with a punier computer. Thankfully I had the money to go out and buy a new tablet for it so I can still work on my art while my computer is being fixed. ^_^

I payed for my classes today and bought my books. Hmmm, lets see. It was $1300 for tuition and $487 for my books. @___@ A little bit more expensive than it was last year. I'm excited about it tho, this semester I take my first programming class! NANSI C. My biology book looks cool... its got a snow leopard on it. :>

Oh... and I got a Twitter. <-- Kinda boring but I thought I'd join since everyone else has. lol

Friday, August 7, 2009

Just another Friday

It's Friday and I'm actually off work! o__o; Amazing!

Well, it's not THAT amazing... instead of working today I work tomorrow so it's not all that great. xD But that's okay, I work with a really great team of people so it can be fun going to work. (note: 'can' be fun) lol

Yesterday was Ben's birthday! ^_^ He turned 24! He's such a old man. lol I bought him a chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream in the middle. For his birthday I bought him a brand new super duper gateway computer. It's got a terabyte of HD space, 8 gb of ram, a quad core processor, and a duo video card. o__o;; Makes my tablet look weak.

If Ben doesn't stay out too late tonight working we might be going to see that GI-Joe movie with one of his buddies for his birthday. I know that movie looks kinda corny but it'll be fun to watch. :p At least I can enjoy mocking it.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

A weekend with Mom

^_^ Well my weekend was sure busy!

Friday morning Ben and I drove to my Mom's place in Grapevine for a weekend visit. We were keeping ourselves busy the whole time! When we got there we didn't stay at her apartment long because she had a party planned at a nearby bowling alley/lazer tag/pool place. @_@ It was sooooooo cool! It was called Main Event, and they had it going on there for real. Everything was lit up in black light and they had cool disco lights everywhere. At first I was having a real hard time bowling but I got better over time. Afterwords we went to some fancy italian place called Carrabba's. o_o; It was odd because it had plants on the roof. lol.

Saturday we left first thing in the morning to go to Waco. First we went to the zoo and then to the Dr. Pepper museum. Ofcourse we were all craving Dr. Pepper after we had watched all the old commercials at the museum and had looked at all their displays. :p We found a cute little diner place that had been in Waco for SEVERAL years to eat at, which was cool because it was very nostalgic. The zoo was fun but it was waaaaaay too hot outside for me to enjoy it. @__@;; Ben was just fine, as usual. He takes the heat a lot better than me... him being one of those outdoorsey people. Even the animals at the zoo seemed to be bothered by the heat. There was a huge black bear that stayed in it's pool the entire time, sloshing around and making biting gestures at my Mom through the glass. O_o;; It was kinda funny to see. I really, really wanted to see some big cats but the jaguar was all tired out and was kinda in a slumped position with it's back facing the glass, so it was hard to get a good picture of it. The lions stayed far away from the fence in the shaded area, so it was even harder to get a good look at them. The zoo had one meerakat, which I thought was REALLY cute! ^^

Today we went to my Mom's church and then went to visit her parents in Anna. It was a nice visit, but Ben and I were ready to get back home so we wouldn't have to drive the 2 1/2 hour drive back home in the dark. @_o

and now... I'm done. :D I'M HOME YAY! I missed my Buu. *hugs her dog*

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Memorial Day weekend '09

Yay! I got signed up for summer classes and they start next week! @__@ I'll be taking government and sociology. I've still been working at BAM, and Ben is working on getting his own portion of the house turned into a 'man cave'. :p Needless to say, we have been very busy. Before Boudewijn visits in July we're planning to get the spare bedroom ready. We've got a lot of work to do... but it'll be fun. ^o^

I hope everyone had a good Memorial day weekend. I sure did! We did our usual thing where we go to lake Gladewater and spend a few hours there. We roasted hot dogs and snacked on chips and juice. <3 It was sooooo good too. When we got home I roasted marshmellows over my gas stove... it's sort've become a new strange habbit of mine. o_O; It all started when I got the crazy idea to roast marshmellows over scented candles...

*insert long story about marshmellows cooked over scented candles here*

... and that's how I got into roasted marshmellows over my gas stove. I highly recommend it, it's fun! ;p *burns her kitchen down in 5 minutes*

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Yaaay... I got my macbook back and it works perfectly! I have absolutely no complaints about the Genious Bar at the Apple store. <3 Right now I'm spending the weekend with my Mom in Grapevine again. I needed to pick up my mac but it was also Mother's Day weekend so I thought it would be a good time to visit. This afternoon we will be visiting my grandparents on my Mom's side of the family. I'm looking foward to the visit since I haven't seen them in about 3 months or so.
AHHH! LOOK OUT!Oh, it's just a gerbil. I was scared for a minute there. ;p That's one of the babies from the first litter. (and only litter, so far) ^__^ I <3 my gerbils! ... *ahem* anyways...what was I saying again? Oh yeah!
I'm visiting family today and then tomorrow afternoon I'll go back home. I won't see my Mom again after this weekend till June 12th, which is her birthday. ^o^ Then in July sometime I'll be visiting my sister on my Mom's side, and I'll have Boudewijn visiting me too! This summer is going to be SO much better than last year's. Now I'll I gotta do is get signed up for classes and fill out my financial aid paperwork. u__u ugh! I'll get to that this coming week, as well as moving my Church's website off my server and onto their own. Looks like I got a lot of stuff to do next week!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A visit to the Apple Store

So like, I'm sure I've probably mentioned before in this blog that I bought a used macbook, right? Well... if not, I bought one off Ebay for $700 that had a jacked up keyboard, cracks, and a broken optical drive. The reason why I bought it was because it had the full Adobe CS3 suite and Microsoft Office 2004 on it. <3

Sooooo.... I decided to plan a weekend trip to see my Mom in Grapevine. <3 I thought it would be good to spend some mother-daughter time with her and she also lives real close to the Southlake Apple store. I arrived Friday evening and soon after I headed to the Apple store with my macbook. I didn't even make a appointment but they took me anyway! I showed them the cracks and they said that it was covered, no charge! I explained that I was not the original owner and that I didn't have Applecare nor any warranty on the machine but they said they would still fix it for free. After they looked up the information on the macbook they discovered that it WAS covered by Applecare till this September. So while I was at it I got them to replace the keyboard AND the optical drive. ^__~ Turns out the problem wasn't with the actual drive though, it was the bottom case. So I had to leave my macbook there to be shipped off for a week to get the case switched out. *phew!* I'm just overwhelmed with joy... I couldn't beleive how fantastic their customer service was! It was definitly the best experience I ever had with getting a computer fixed. I suppose that may be one of the reasons why Apple charges more for their computers... they have to pay a lot for replacing people's macs at no charge with applecare or recalls. When I got the receit for the super drive and top case replacement the charges would've been $530 but I got it for $0. ;D I'm still waiting to hear back from them about the bottom case replacement... who knows how much that WOULD have costed me! I hope I get my mac back soon... I miss it. ;__;

Monday, April 27, 2009

My Swim Final

... remember the last post when I talked about my swimming final? yeah... this is how it went down:

I had already attended my water aerobics class prior to my swim final so my body was already fairly tired. The fact that I had to put dry clothes on top of a wet swim suit was also equally annoying. u__u;;
Sooooooo... there we were, standing in a line at the edge of the deep end. We were fully clothed with long sleeve button-up shirts, jeans, shoes and socks. (and goggles, thankfully) I was really nervous just before we began. I looked over at the life guard guy who was also taking the class and I asked him if he would save me if I started drowning. He looked at me funny and said, "What? I'm going to be busy doing the same thing you're doing!"... that didn't make me feel any better. Our swim instructor kept us standing there for several minutes, practically clueless, as she began to vaguely describe how we're suppost to inflate our clothes. When we finally jumped in and started swimming, I started to feel a little better because I didn't feel like all the attention was focused on me. I was the last one to make the trip across the pool back to the deep end. It was really hard swimming fully dressed! When I got back to the deep end I started inflating my shirt... that wasn't so hard. The pants were the hard part. As I was trying to inflate my pants I breathed in a large amount of water and began to choke. Immediantly the life guard guy dropped what he was doing and came to my rescue along with another student! xD It was like instinct! Never the less, I somehow managed to finish the final and inflate my pants. (lol) Afterword everyone told me how good of a job I did... like they felt sorry for me! :p Oh well, as long as I get a A!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

This semester is almost over...

Well, well, well... I can't believe this semester is almost over!! I am so thankful.

Tomorrow I have my swimming final, which I am not looking forward to since I have to do this crazy survival thing in the deep water. I have to jump in the deep end fully clothed, (long sleeve button-up shirt tucked into jeans w/ a belt and socks and shoes) swim across the pool to the shallow and then swim all the way back without stopping and perform a dead man's float without flailing around or losing focus. x_x'' Here comes the hard part! Then while I have my face underwater I have to unbutton my shirt and blow into it, making a floating device. After I have inflated it I have to take my shirt off and take my pants off and make my pants a floating device. Then I think she's gonna have us tread water or something... I dunno, but it sounds a little much for me being as that I signed up for the BEGINNER class. I'll try my best, that's all I can say, lol.

Lately work at BAM has been interesting... our regional manager is coming for a visit, and my managers are really working hard to make sure the store is straight by the time she gets here. We keep joking that Daryll is going to get fired... well, Daryll AND Falyn actually... but that's just me. ;p lol. I love them both dearly, so I really don't want them to get fired - I just like to tease. ^o^

My gerbil babies have all grown up now. *sniff* I remember when they were sooooo tiny! (now they're just tiny.) Sadly all but two of the five have died. ;__; But I guess it's for the best because it would have been even harder for me to give them up. I was able to find homes for two of my other gerbils so I could keep the babies, though - which is good because my Dad won't care that way. :3 As long as I don't get anymore! lol.

This past weekend my Mom came to visit me! ^o^ We went to IHop for lunch, and then shopped at the mall, Target, and Maurices. It was so much fun! We bought a bunch of nice smelly stuff at Bath & Body Works and a few other things here and there. I plan to go back to Grapevine to visit her soon since I didn't get much time to spend with her Saturday AND I found out that I can take my macbook to the Apple Store for repairs on the cracks that I have because it's covered without warrenty or applecare. (sort've like a recall) o.O Amazing! That's what a bunch of mac people have told me anyways, so I'm gonna atleast try! Might as well, eh?

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

One Rainy Day

I love rainy days... and today is just one of those days. :3 I started this morning running a little to class just a few minutes late, and then scurried off to the student center before it started raining. The wind was blowing like crazy by the time I left and from there I retreated to the Tri C and I have stayed there since. About an hour or so later it began to rain heavily. I -would- have to be at Chemistry lecture and lab but I dropped it Monday when I realized I was beyond hope of passing. p__q I was so devastated.

This past week has been really stressful... I just adopted a new person into our family, Dakota. (as seen in photos at my fotki account) He moved in over the weekend and we're still getting things arranged for him, but overall it's been going well. He's happy, and I'm happy too. ^_^

Last night my newly adopted gerbil, Sugar, had babies! o__O'' I didn't even know that she was pregnent! I was just laying there on the couch, Ben was playing video games, and Terry was watching him when suddenly we heard loud squeaking coming from Sugar's cage. I dismissed it as nothing unusual but Terry decided to take a closer look. And then he was all like, "Um. Sugar had babies" all serious and calm-like. I was like, "O_O!! WHAT!?!??!!kbkbdehbdjhwbw,wdb"... lol. It was funny.... and exciting at the same time. Apparently Sugar was already pregnent when I purchased her from Trade Days in Canton. I had no idea! So now I have a bunch of new gerbils... >_>'' I know my Dad isn't going to let me keep them all so I'll have to find homes for them when they become of age. <_<'' Ahem. Anybody interested in pet gerbils?

Friday, March 6, 2009

So sleepy...

*yawn* ~_~ This has been a rough week...

It started out with a great Sunday service as usual, (I won't get into that right now, but let's just say it was awesome) and ended with a rough day at school and work. All this week I've been preparing for my second Chemistry exam. I finally took it this morning... ugh, it was a pain. I've already told myself I'd never take a Chemistry class again. x__x'' Thankfully, going to work has been the very least of my concerns. I'm getting along with the crew at work very well these days... it almost seems as if it were like the olden days back in '05. ^_^ It always helps to work with people you can get along with... I thank God for that! It also helps having a mentor working with you as well... someone you can count on. <3 I hope to stay at BAM as long as I can till I get my first job after graduation. They have been so good to me so I'd really like to stay working there for a long time.

Hmmm... what else... oh, I got a another computer. It's not quite as new as my tablet, but it'll really come in handy. I got a macbook! I purchased it off Ebay for $704 and it came with the full Adobe CS3 suite and tons of other software. I can't wait to figure everything out on it, because it'll really help with my website and artwork. It's white and has 1 GB RAM, 2 Ghz Intel Core Duo Processor, and a broken optical drive. :p That's okay though... Ben can fix it! (once I buy the replacement off Ebay)

Friday, February 27, 2009

Sickly Buu

My dog, Buu is sick. :< (pictured above) I feel so bad for her! It started when we took her to the vet. Everything seemed fine till the vet checked her for heart worms... and she tested positive. I was devastated. I never thought she had them... yes, she has always been thin but I never thought it was because of that. I guess I was just naive. Anyhow, I decided that I am not going to seek treatment unless absolute nessescary. The vet said that it could cost anywhere from $500-$600 for a dog her size. Well, I thought, "Hey, God could heal her." If I don't have enough faith for a dog to be healed, how could I have enough faith for a person? ^__^'' So, I have been praying daily for her swift recovery. I beleive!

Today Buu started choking on something... not sure what. She had me worried all morning. She started wheezing loudly and trembling. She refused to eat anything and she kept her tail tucked under. I felt so bad for my baby! I held her close, and tried to calm her down. Later on my husband checked on her during his lunch break and was able to flush whatever out was choking her. We didn't even realise she was choking! x__x'' I'm just so releived that she's okay now. Today sure has been a rough day....

Sunday, February 22, 2009

A Sunday afternoon on Maccie

Well today has started out lovely. :3 I attended a another wonderful church service at my church (Victory AOG) this morning. You can actually listen to some of my pastor's sermons on their website. Check it out, you'll be blessed for sure! :3

... Anyways, here I am posting my blog on Maccie. (Maccie = Really old iMac that I aquired off Ebay) Now and then I like to boot him up just to keep him going fresh. ;P I only paid $60 for him and it only cost me $30 to upgrade him to 10.3 Panther. (Which was a big step, considering he WAS running OS 9 when I bought him) lol. I guess I've really got into buying and upgrading computers... ^_^ It's my new hobby! I guess I have a excuse since my career will heavily involve computer science. <3

ooo... my husband left to go get me food and I think hes back now. >:3 *runs off to eat*

Friday, February 13, 2009

Back from the Dead

I forget to update this thing... :p My bad.

It's like ever since I started going to college I don't really have time for online stuff. I try my best to update my website and deviantart as it is. x_o My fall semester went really well. I got good teachers and finished the semester with a 3.5 GPA. ^o^ I wasn't quite so lucky the second time around for the spring but it could've been worse. I signed up for Trig, Chem 1411, US History II, BCIS, Water Aerobics and Beginning Swimming. I was really looking forward to taking Trig but it just didn't work out. >_o The teacher I had was a real pain so I decided to drop it and take it next semester. Ah well, I'm still full time anyways.

I'm still working at Books-a-million. It's a great place to work... just gets stressful sometimes. Like today, for instance. I couldn't hardly get anything done without having to be called up to the front desk for help every 5 minutes. :p You would think I'd be used to it by now after working there for nearly 4 years. lol

Other than that, life is about the same for me. I don't get as near as much art done as I used to but I intend to eliminate more entertainment and focus more on school, church, and art to help with that. My problem is that I like video games. x3 Hey, atleast I quit World of Warcraft!
