Yaaay... I got my macbook back and it works perfectly! I have absolutely no complaints about the Genious Bar at the Apple store. <3 Right now I'm spending the weekend with my Mom in Grapevine again. I needed to pick up my mac but it was also Mother's Day weekend so I thought it would be a good time to visit. This afternoon we will be visiting my grandparents on my Mom's side of the family. I'm looking foward to the visit since I haven't seen them in about 3 months or so.

Oh, it's just a gerbil. I was scared for a minute there. ;p That's one of the babies from the first litter. (and only litter, so far) ^__^ I <3 my gerbils! ... *ahem* anyways...what was I saying again? Oh yeah!
I'm visiting family today and then tomorrow afternoon I'll go back home. I won't see my Mom again after this weekend till June 12th, which is her birthday. ^o^ Then in July sometime I'll be visiting my sister on my Mom's side, and I'll have Boudewijn visiting me too! This summer is going to be SO much better than last year's. Now I'll I gotta do is get signed up for classes and fill out my financial aid paperwork. u__u ugh! I'll get to that this coming week, as well as moving my Church's website off my server and onto their own. Looks like I got a lot of stuff to do next week!
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