Friday, February 27, 2009

Sickly Buu

My dog, Buu is sick. :< (pictured above) I feel so bad for her! It started when we took her to the vet. Everything seemed fine till the vet checked her for heart worms... and she tested positive. I was devastated. I never thought she had them... yes, she has always been thin but I never thought it was because of that. I guess I was just naive. Anyhow, I decided that I am not going to seek treatment unless absolute nessescary. The vet said that it could cost anywhere from $500-$600 for a dog her size. Well, I thought, "Hey, God could heal her." If I don't have enough faith for a dog to be healed, how could I have enough faith for a person? ^__^'' So, I have been praying daily for her swift recovery. I beleive!

Today Buu started choking on something... not sure what. She had me worried all morning. She started wheezing loudly and trembling. She refused to eat anything and she kept her tail tucked under. I felt so bad for my baby! I held her close, and tried to calm her down. Later on my husband checked on her during his lunch break and was able to flush whatever out was choking her. We didn't even realise she was choking! x__x'' I'm just so releived that she's okay now. Today sure has been a rough day....

Sunday, February 22, 2009

A Sunday afternoon on Maccie

Well today has started out lovely. :3 I attended a another wonderful church service at my church (Victory AOG) this morning. You can actually listen to some of my pastor's sermons on their website. Check it out, you'll be blessed for sure! :3

... Anyways, here I am posting my blog on Maccie. (Maccie = Really old iMac that I aquired off Ebay) Now and then I like to boot him up just to keep him going fresh. ;P I only paid $60 for him and it only cost me $30 to upgrade him to 10.3 Panther. (Which was a big step, considering he WAS running OS 9 when I bought him) lol. I guess I've really got into buying and upgrading computers... ^_^ It's my new hobby! I guess I have a excuse since my career will heavily involve computer science. <3

ooo... my husband left to go get me food and I think hes back now. >:3 *runs off to eat*

Friday, February 13, 2009

Back from the Dead

I forget to update this thing... :p My bad.

It's like ever since I started going to college I don't really have time for online stuff. I try my best to update my website and deviantart as it is. x_o My fall semester went really well. I got good teachers and finished the semester with a 3.5 GPA. ^o^ I wasn't quite so lucky the second time around for the spring but it could've been worse. I signed up for Trig, Chem 1411, US History II, BCIS, Water Aerobics and Beginning Swimming. I was really looking forward to taking Trig but it just didn't work out. >_o The teacher I had was a real pain so I decided to drop it and take it next semester. Ah well, I'm still full time anyways.

I'm still working at Books-a-million. It's a great place to work... just gets stressful sometimes. Like today, for instance. I couldn't hardly get anything done without having to be called up to the front desk for help every 5 minutes. :p You would think I'd be used to it by now after working there for nearly 4 years. lol

Other than that, life is about the same for me. I don't get as near as much art done as I used to but I intend to eliminate more entertainment and focus more on school, church, and art to help with that. My problem is that I like video games. x3 Hey, atleast I quit World of Warcraft!
