Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Post Christmas News

Hello all, I'm back from the holiday chaos and happy to say that I have survived the madness! :P

Well, I passed all my classes. ^^ (yes, even that really hard one!) and I'm set up for taking four classes at UT this Spring with $300 to spare. Yahoo! Unfortunately, I've been sick as a dog since I got out of school. @_@ I'm just now getting over it. But despite my sickness, I managed to haul myself with Bennie to go visit two sets of family on Christmas day, and now I'm staying over at my Mom's for the remainder of the week. This weekend Bennie and I will be leaving for Oregon to visit his Mom and her husband. <3 It's gonna be coooooooooold! I'll be sure to take pictures. ^^

So... I know I said that I wouldn't go out and get another dog, but I never said anything about a dog going out and finding me!

When we got to my Nana's house, shortly after I stepped out from the car this fellow came running up to me with the biggest smile on his face! Apparently he was a drop off, and he quickly won me over with his charming personality. n_n I asked Ben about it over the phone, and he agreed to let me have him if no owners came to claim him before we get back from Oregon. In the meantime, he will be staying with my Nana's neighbor till we get back. What a wonderful anniversary gift. ^_~

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thanksgiving Break!!

Today is my first day of Thanksgiving break. :D I am enjoying it veeeery much! It's so nice to just stay at home in my warm PJ's when it's cold and rainy outside.

My plans for this Thanksgiving are to leave this Wednesday night with Bennie to Houston! We are going to visit my Dad and other family members at his house. ^_^ We won't get to stay long because Ben has to work black Friday. x.x So I guess we will be leaving sometime in the afternoon on Thanksgiving day. As far as the weekend goes, we've got nothing planned... but I believe Ben wants to just chill out at home. :3 He's had a nasty cold lately so he's pretty tired.

I made some new pretty graphics for Aoi Skies. :D I've been staring at my site for awhile trying to figure out what would look good, and I am pleased with what I came up with this morning. <3 I think it looks cute. ^_^

I still have some art projects that I've gotta finish... just haven't had the time till now. :/ I'll probably get something done this week, at least I hope so! Lol.

For now, I will leave you all with a lovely picture of my Zoe... :D

I know Myumi gets a lot of attention on my blog, partly because she takes such good pictures! It's like she's posing for me. XD Zoe... not so much. All her pics are almost always blurry because she can't hold still but for a few seconds! :P

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Hello all! ^_^ Enjoying this wonderful cool weather? I think it's great, it's such a nice breather from the intense summer heat we had this year. @_@

So this is what I was up to while I was away for the weekend at Mom's... ^_^

Tie-dye!!! :D

It was so much fun! We made a BUNCH of stuff. My Mom always has a lot of things she wants to tie-dye so it takes several hours to do it all. @_@ She makes a bunch to give away as gifts. I took home some very nice tie-dye skirts. :D

Hmmm... *thinks* what else is new... well, not much. I'm getting ready for next semester already! I'm trying to plan a schedule that will work for the Spring semester but I'm having trouble. @_@ I'm getting to the point where I only have a few classes to choose from and some of them aren't even offered in the Spring. The other classes conflict with each other so it looks like I will have to toss in a couple of electives.

...well Jesse, I may be taking a course in web design after all. XD

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

One Crazy Morning

So today was very interesting! (I'm talking as if the day has already ended, but it's only 11:38 AM as I am typing this :P)

This morning I was driving in to town to pick up some dog food and a cup of coffee at a local coffee house in Henderson. I decided to take Zoe with me because she LOVES to go riding in the car and the place where I buy dog food allows pets so I thought I'd take her inside. ^_^

Well, on the way to town on this two lane road, I saw this huge utility vehicle swerve into my lane (heading towards me) and then serve back. I slowed down to give him time to get pulled back over, and then I saw a small english bulldog standing in the road! Then a white truck came speeding by and nearly clipped it on its jaw. I quickly pulled up to the little dog and opened my door, "GET IN!" XD Without hesitation, the bulldog walked right up to the car and began to crawl in the floorboard right in front of the gas pedals. Seeing this strange dog crawl into our car, Zoe rears her head around my seat and starts growling. "NOW'S NOT THE TIME ZOE!!" I said, pushing her back into the back seat. Meanwhile, I am still parked in the middle of my lane with no flashers on and a pick-up truck waiting behind me patiently. o_o

So we take off awkwardly with me attempting to drive with this bulldog sitting in my floorboard. I knew I would have to go back home since I had Zoe with me so I turned around and headed back for the house. Then just as I glanced to my left I see a man waving at me standing in a driveway. I then again, manage to turn around and pull up to this guy's driveway thinking I must have picked up his dog.

I rolled down my window and the guy calls out, "IS THIS YOUR DOG!?" pointing to yet another english bulldog that was standing beside him. "Um, no... I was thinking THIS was YOUR dog." I said, speaking of the bulldog I had just picked up. Turns out, the two bulldogs had been traveling together and we didn't know who they belonged to. Then suddenly a guy walked up and said they belonged to him! So with relief, I pulled up into their driveway and opened my door to let the bulldog out - but he wouldn't budge!

The one guy walked up trying to coax the bulldog but he was just as pleased to stay right in my floorboard. Then the owner came out and literally had to drag the bulldog out of my car. And apparently, sometime during the process the bulldog pooped himself and it smeared on my leg!! :O

So the guys thanked me and I left. o_O Like I said, one crazy morning. I headed in to the coffee shop as previously planned with poo on my leg, and used their bathroom to clean it off. When I got to ordering my drink, the man there asked me what I had been up to this morning. I told him the whole story, including the part of the cleaning off the poo using their bathroom. Maybe he won't be so inclined to ask his customers such personal questions in the future. XD

Sunday, October 9, 2011

September and Myumi Pics

Hey all! Sorry it's been so long since my last post... I've been kinda sick off and on and school has been keeping me busy. ^_^''

I decided to upload some pictures and make a post about all the interesting stuff that I've been doing lately. :3

^ In the above pic, Myumi has gotten inside the bottom compartment of the cat tree. She usually doesn't do this so I had to take a picture. XD

^ Another pic featuring Myumi... in the car! Doesn't she look a bit nervous? :P Yeah, Myumi and I had to take a break from the house for a bit when we had the house sprayed for bugs a few weeks ago. Normally I wouldn't let a cat ride in the car loose like this but I was in a hurry so I just scooped her up and got in the car! Lol. She was actually far better behaved than I expected her to be, she only meowed a couple of times and mostly just stayed in one spot the whole time.

^ This next pic is of a recent lab project I did this past week. It was for my computer architecture class. ^_^ I made a connection to a LED display that would flash numbers from 0 - 9, much like they use in digital clocks. I thought it was pretty fun, lots of wires to get tangled up though. @_@

^ and of course Myumi is again the center of focus in this last picture. :P I caught her hiding in my school backpack... it was just so cute I couldn't pass up getting a picture of it! She loves to get in bags and things, whatever she can hide in. When someone or another animal walks by she'll pounce on them. :3 I need to get her declawed at some point... she often plays too rough. D:

So there were all the highlights of my September. XD Apparently it was almost all about Myumi... Lol. She is a really fun kitty. <3

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

August.... almost September!

:O Wow, has it really been that long since my last post?? Well, I have been very occupied with various things here lately! School started last week, and I also went to visit my Mom and Step dad for several days over the weekend. <3

So this semester I have somewhat of a light load. I'm only taking three classes and one lab, which just makes 13 hours total. I would have taken one more, but it was too close to time for me to leave in order to get to church. D:

But, it seems it may be best for me to take it slow during these harder courses since some of them are exceptionally hard for me!

Like my computer architecture class, I have like no idea what I'm doing in there. XD We are supposed to be working with various electronic equipment that I have no prior knowledge of. I'm not the only one struggling though - over half the class in lab yesterday couldn't finish but 1 of 2 parts of our assignment in a two hour period. So we will have to come back on Wednesday. x_x Part of the problem was that the lab assistants just skimmed over the equipment and then expected us to just know how to use it. u__u'' I didn't know how to use that stuff, let alone what that stuff was called! Kinda hard for me to ask for help when I don't even know what I'm working with. :P We were supposed to be measuring frequencies on various wave forms at different speeds. After we were done with that, the second part of the assignment was to get what they call a breadboard (no, it's not made out of bread!) and place chips on it. Most of the chips didn't work so a lot of us didn't make it that far. @_@

My other two classes are Algorithm design and Analysis and Database Management Concepts. The Algorithm class seems very challenging, but I believe by God's grace I will manage. ^__^'' After all, I thought the same thing about Data Structures class and I pulled a B! (I prayed a lot, ;3) I also just need to study more than some people. I tend to forget that I do have a learning disability and often times I try to ignore that. <_< Maybe it's because the one time I tried to speak up about it the teacher got mad... but that was back in junior college. D: They can't afford good teachers a lot of times at junior colleges. (that's mostly my opinion, but I have experience to believe that I am correct)

aaaaaaanyways.... aside from school stuff and visiting my Mom, I recently purchased a *gasp* a tablet! *gasp*
Now you are probably wondering, why on earth do I need a tablet when I already have a tablet PC? That's a very good question. XD Well, it's not like I ever wanted one... but it worked out that it would actually save me money if I could just download all my textbooks on it (essentially using it as a e-reader) mostly for free, instead of paying nearly $400 in books every semester. This way it's just a one time fee of $380 (in the case of my Acer Iconia Tablet) and then I can download whatever books I need for school on it for the rest of my days at college! I am enjoying it very much, I think it actually motivates me to study more because I like using it. :P That should be a good thing.

So that's about the jist of what's happened since my last post, other than me being another year older now. :D I had a great birthday, Bennie bought me a delicious mint chocolate chip ice cream cake! <3

Friday, July 22, 2011

Some Thoughts

As you can see, I'm doing more art this year than I've done since... since.. since, well since I started getting a life. XD Lol. That doesn't mean that I don't have a life anymore, tho! ^__~

This week was VBS at our church. It only lasted three nights but it was long enough. @.@ I got stuck working in the sound booth which was incredibly boring to do since I had to be alone most of the time. I really wanted to be more involved with what the kids were doing and get to know them better since I hardly know any of the children at our church. u__u'' I really don't "know" many people at our church, for that matter, but I am working on that! ^^'' Mostly my fault... I am kinda awkward with social situations. Hence the reason for me not actually getting a life till a few years ago, Lol.

But... thinking back to the olden days when my life was mostly online does bring back some fond memories. I miss my old friends, some of which I don't have anyway of getting in touch with anymore. .___. There are some people out in this world that I really do miss, that if I had the ability to go back in time and spend one day online again with them I would totally do it. Moving out to the woods in the middle of nowhere just makes me feel even more isolated. Blah, I don't mean to get emotional on you people... that's just how I feel. x.x

Hmmmm, I guess I should talk about something more meaningful. Here lately I've been listening to the Christian Radio and I'm LOVING that song called "Reach". I thought it was by Newsboys but it's actually a single by Peter Furler (The singer from Newsboys). I didn't know he was making his own music... so anyways, I started listening to some of his other songs on YouTube and now he is one of my favorite Christian artists. @__@ I really like his music because the majority of what he sings about is actually CHRISTIAN related in some way... not just singing about loosing a cellphone on a batman ride, Lol. *gets bricked by all the Relient K fans* Hey I like Relient K too! It's just much of their lyrics are a bit vague and aren't as spiritually meaningful. :X

I shuddup now. *poof*

Monday, July 11, 2011

July News

Hello again. :3

Just thought I would make a post here since it has been awhile... not much has been going on lately. The main thing I've been doing this past week has been commission work. @.@ I'm finally pretty much done with the children's book commission. (I only have one background to put together for a scene already drawn, and then I'll be done <3) And I'm already scheduled for two more commissions and one art trade!

July 9th was this past Saturday. :3 (my independence day from the military, Lol) It was that very day some four years ago that I was medically discharged from the Air Force.... hmmm, didn't I mention this before? Oh well! :P Anyways, we had some fun that day... we ordered pizza, watched a movie, and went swimming. <3 It wasn't as good as the past July 9th celebrations, but still fun.

and yes, in case you are wondering... that is a my little pony up there. o__o and yes again, I have been brainwashed... dun dun duuuuuuunnnn! Just a heads up, there will be some pony art surfacing on Aoi Skies. XD The art trade I have is with a MLP fan of her ponysona. (Y' fursona!) I joined a MLP forum after I started watching the new series on YouTube. ^o^ Maybe kinda weird to everyone else, but it's fun. I'm hoping to make some artsy friends at the pony forum. I even created my own ponysona!

I'm going to stop talking now. XD

Friday, July 1, 2011


I wanted a excuse to post something, Lol. Nothing really interesting has been going on these past few days... I've been doing a lot more art lately though. @.@ It's getting pretty lonely and tiresome living out here in the woods. I got so lonely yesterday that I decided to try to get back in touch with some of my old ICL friends. I need a life. u___u

Not saying that my ICL friends aren't cool, it's just many of them have dispersed and have moved on. However I did get back in touch with my old friend, Travis. (A.K.A. 'Hexx') :D Some of you old-schoolers might remember him, he used to run Magic Cheesewheel with me. (A very strange website, before bluie's existed) It was a art website for me, a comic website for the both of us, and who knows what all else. O_o I can't really remember... that was a looooong time ago. Man I'm old. p__q

But enough of the past! Who knows, maybe I can reform the old Bluie empire that once was many years ago. >:D MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA! *bricked*

Don't forget about July 9th! That very day FIVE years ago I was sent home from the Air Force on medical leave. XD I call it 'Bluie Independence Day', Lol.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Sonic Generations?

So just yesterday I found out about this new Sonic game coming out sometime this year, Sonic Generations. O_o When I watched one of the trailers on YouTube I was kinda surprised.

Basically, Sega is trying reeeeeeally hard to appeal to both sides of the Sonic fan base. For a very long time the Sonic fans have been divided on what kind of Sonic game they want. There is the one side that prefers the more retro 2D Sonic stuff, and then there is the other side that would rather have the 3D Sonic stuff. (I fit into a small margin of fans that like the Dreamcast era :X) So in order to attempt to win the favor of both sides of the fan base, Sega has created a Sonic game where you play in 2D and 3D levels.

...So uh, what's the big deal? Isn't that sort've like Sonic Unleashed and Sonic Colors? Not exactly...

The levels in Sonic Generations will be divided up into two acts. One act being the 2D version of the level played by retro Sonic, and the other act being the 3D version of the level played by modern Sonic. (yes, these are actually two different Sonics!) It's a very interesting concept, especially since the game features scenes where both Sonics are running side by side, waving at each other, etc. (as shown in the above pic) o__O I believe also that the abilities each Sonic have are slightly different. (for example, retro Sonic probably would not have homing attack) Kinda weird to me, but that's not all this game has to offer...

Here's the big kicker - the levels in Sonic Generations will be picked from the Genesis era all the way up to some of the very latest Sonic games. That means some of the Sonic fan's favorite levels will be redone in 2D and 3D acts, spiffed up in updated graphics, and modified to include some extra passageways and stuff that wasn't previously there! Now that concept is pretty cool to me, that sounds like a Sonic game I could really get into. ^__^ All I know of so far that has been confirmed is Green Hill Zone (anybody could see that coming) and City Escape. <3 (oh yeah!)

./ follow meeee, set me free, trust me and we will escape from this ciiiiiity... ./

I know I'm such a dork. x___x

Thursday, June 2, 2011


That's right! You heard me - gourdes! ^_^ This past weekend I was over at my Mom's for a visit, and we made bird houses out of gourdes. While I was over there we worked on getting them prepped for painting, but I only managed to get one painted while I was there. They sent me home with the NINE other gourdes to work on... lol. xD I really am having a eventful summer already!

This weekend we also built the new dog fence and a separate pen for them to play and use the bathroom in if I don't feel like putting them away in their home just yet. :P After all, it is like halfway across the property... lol I'm so lazy! I'm just a spoiled city girl.. @.@

Thursday, May 19, 2011

New Places

Yay, summer vacation. :D

I have a really good feeling about this summer. <3 No school, no work...(as of yet) I'm getting to slow down and appreciate everything that God is doing in my life, and life in general. ^_^ I don't know how to explain it, I just feel a great sense of peace in my little world right now. I used to feel really awkward living out here in the woods...but I've grown to like it and to appreciate it for what it is. I am so blessed! I need not to forget that. x.x

I've even grown to love this area in the woods that I live in. The surounding roads and hidden places around here really intrigue me. Sometimes I just like to get in my car and go driving around the countryside just for fun. A part of that may be me inside still looking for Buu. (which isn't a bad thing, but I believe God will just bring her back.) I know I must be sounding crazy right now, but I can't help it... God is putting me in new spiritual places that I have never been.

I guess right now what God is really revealing to me is this: His love for us is so uncomprehendable (sp?). Often times I try to put Him in a box...but it just doesn't work that way. Many times I always think "well, maybe it is just not His will for this or that to happen..." even though I already know His will is to do it. Take my dog, Buu, for example... I know I have not fully explained this whole story but I do intend to (perhaps on another blog). I have been praying, and praying, and praying that God would bring her back. He already told me that He would bring her back, but there was always this small fragment of me that still didn't want to believe. I didn't want to put myself in a vulnerable position and "make a fool out of myself" if it didn't happen. The point is, it WILL happen if God says it will.... we just need to put away our fleshly ways and get into the Spirit's ways...then everything will be alright. :3

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Out of School!

I'm out of school! I'm out of school! I'm out of school! ^o^

Can you tell I'm excited? ;p I just finished up my last day of school Thursday. <3 I haven't gotten any of my grades back except for one, my business class, in which I pulled a 85. I'm hoping and praying over my computer classes, they were really tough. x___x

So since then I've been having a really good time taking it easy, catching up on chores, and taking care of business around the house. Ben's folkes are over for the weekend to help Ben with rewiring the house and fixing some plumbing issues. They had to cut off the power for several hours yesterday to work on it so Terry and I took off to do some shopping in Lufkin. :D It was fun.

I've also been working on some artwork in the mean time... I have this really big commission that is going to take me a whole month to do, and other personal projects of my own. SOMEDAY, someday... I may get around to writing a story about Bluie's Island. :X I'm also considering starting another website about my spiritual walk with God, basically a testimonial site.

I'm supposed to start summer school on the 18th, but I haven't even signed up for it yet... >.> not exactly ready to go back so quickly, lol.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


I've just collected 448 stars in nyancat game!

Saturday, April 23, 2011



Friday, March 25, 2011

March Shtuff

Yikes! Has it really been almost a month since my last post? o__o'' Sorries!

Although there hasn't been much going on in my life lately... just the usual stuff, like school and taking care of Zilla. @_@ My workload in school has even gotten heavier. Just when I thought I didn't have anymore time!

I would really like to get some art done... >__< maybe I can work up some inspiration for it tomorrow...

(-o-)'' *exhausted* So anyways...

I pulled out my old journal today, the one I wrote in during high school in 2005/2006. It was pretty neat getting to read about all the things I did when I was younger, many things that I have forgotten about. Guys I dated, drama at BAM, hilarious stuff at school - that was pretty much my life back then. After reading through several pages I realized that I have changed a lot since then, more than I thought. I guess you could say I've calmed down quite a bit since my teen years. XD

Oh! And guess what... Ben and I ordered a new couch set! <3 We will be getting them delivered in about three weeks! I'm very, very excitied about the new furniture. ^0^ We got a three-seater recliner couch with a separate one-seater recliner chair. The sectional we have now is just too big for our living room... and it smells like poo, lol.

Monday, February 28, 2011

My Zilla

So I'd like to begin by apologizing for not posting sooner... ^^'' My internet has been down for a few days and I was in Dallas this past weekend so I just haven't had the chance!

As promised, I have pictures of my new puppy "Zilla" :3



She has been keeping me pretty occupied! I'm working with her on house training and teaching her to go to the bathroom outside. @_@'' It's a lot of work! She is just over two months old right now... quickly approaching the time for her first rabies shot. She is doing very well as far as training goes, I think is she is quite intelligent for her age. Her favorite thing she likes to do is cuddle with her momma and play with big sister Zoe. :3

Thursday, February 17, 2011

New Art 2/17/2011

I just realized that it has almost been two weeks since my last post!!! *gasp*

More art, more art! :D

2/12/2011 'He makes bread'  made a new friend just recently, and so I decided to create a furry for him. :D His name is Reno, he is a wolfie that cooks bread, lol.
^ This one was for a new buddy of mine from school. ^^ He has been really nice to me so he gets a free pic as a friend acceptance initiation, lolz. XD *dork*

I discovered a new way that's much easier to do my artwork with Photoshop. <3 That's how I have been able to get so much artwork done here lately even though school has been CRAZY.

... I also got a new puppy. :X I'll post pictures soon. Her name is Zilla, and she is 2 months old. The shelter where I got her from says she is some kind of pitbull mix. <3 She is so adorable, and smart too! She already knows how to sit, fetch, and come when you call her. She does poo a lot though. XD but I guess that's to be expected.

Monday, February 7, 2011

New Art 2/4/2011

I have two new pics that I just recently added to Aoi Skies...

2/4/2011 'Skater Bluie' It's a new Bluie picture for the new year! ^o^ I drew this as a graphic for my main page. Of course Bluie has to have a skateboard. <3 Bluie is © me! 2/3/2011 'My Dance' w00t. It's Sophie in a futuristic techno dance environment. :D Not exactly what I had originally planned with this pic but I think it came out good. Sophie Camiara © me!

I also have some really sad news. It looks like Buu won't be coming home. >_< I was really upset. What made matters worse was that Terry was having a pretty bad day too... he wrecked a car that wasn't even his - he was borrowing it from his job in hopes of purchasing it! It was a very stressful day indeed.

Thankfully things seem to be getting a little less stressful. I've been doing more artwork lately and I'm going to be visiting the shelter tomorrow to see about adopting a new puppy. ^^'' Today was pretty cool... it was Terry's birthday and all so he took the day off and went with me, Ben, and Jesse to Plano to go to the Asian World Market. <3 Yay!

That is all. :X

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Ugh x_x

So Buu escaped again... three weeks ago actually, while she was still in heat! I figured she would have come back on her own but she has yet to come home. Nevertheless, from the day she escaped I have been driving around our area looking and calling for her. On the night she escaped Zoe ran off with her also but for some reason Zoe decided to come back that very night close to midnight. So why did Buu not come back I don't know, all I know is that she is in heat so that may be dictating her behavior right now. I'm just glad Zoe came back. @__@''

I've posted four flyers but two of them have either flew away or someone took them down. I've also listed her on various pet lost & found websites and craigs list. I called both the Henderson and Nachodoches animal shelters. (Nach was a long shot but in three weeks Buu could have gotten pretty far) I just don't know what else to do other than to continue searching for her every day around our area. I have a suspicion of the area she may be in but it's mostly woods and hard to navigate. Anybody got any ideas that I haven't tried yet?? o__o''

Sunday, January 23, 2011

A new semester...

So last Tuesday was the beginning of my Spring semester at UT Tyler. :D *cough*aaand Kilgore College...*coughcough* xD Yes, I had to go back to my o'l junior college to take a Calculus class because they were all full at UT. Ah well, saves me money anyways...

So Tuesday was my first day at UT Tyler. I'm taking three classes there all on Tuesdays/Thursdays : Structured Computer Organization, Business Communication & Speaking, and Database & Algorithms. w00t. I like all my teachers so far, they all seem pretty okay. It felt weird getting to have a professor with a actual PhD in something. O__o

What else have I been up to? Well... since school started, not much. xD I'm working on some art right now. One commission and a personal piece of my own. I'm still looking for a job but whatever it's going to be it will have to be no more than 20 hours a week for sure. I already have one job offer but it's only seasonal...I think I'm going to take it though. It's real close to my house and it is a Christian organization so it would be a great atmosphere for me. <3 I just gotta wait till the weather warms up before they will hire me. Being that this is Texas, it shouldn't take long! Lol. ^_^

Oh! I also have one new art that I just recently added to Aoi Skies...

Bai! ;3

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Searching Jesus

Hello again! Here is the link to the Searching Jesus blog that I have started with Jesse:

We just started it yesterday so there isn't much there yet... but there will be more and more content as the days go by I assure you. :3

In other news.... my dog Buu is in heat. :< and she escaped last night a couple of times I think to see a boy dog... I guess we'll find out in a month or so if she is pregnant. @____@''

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New Car! ...and other things.

Well, all our unneeded stress is finally over. @_@

Ben and I just yesterday managed to trade in his Jeep for a new used car. (not to be confused with MY Jeep which I will never let go of, lol) It's a 2007 Honda Civic. :D It's so pretty! I wasn't looking into getting something THAT new and fancy but we didn't have much of a choice. Sadly, since his Jeep is a stripped down model we didn't get much for it as a trade in. x__x At first they offered 3500 but we haggled a bit and brought it up to 5000. <3 The car salesman we had was brand new, it was his first sale! He was so happy. xD

Anyways, I also have other news. Starting very soon (probably in the next few days) I will be starting a NEW blog with my friend Jesse. (pictured right under followers) We are starting a blog about our findings on biblical studies that we are doing. It's going to be cool so I just thought I'd mention that just in case any of you would like to see what we're doing. :3

I will end with this... UT Tyler is way past cool. xD SOOOOOOOO much better than what I'm used to. They actually know what they're doing and they have a smart computer system to handle much of the business for them which means less work for their employees. Since they are a big university I'm sure they have enough work to worry with anyways! lol. I was just so impressed with them recently because I was able to handle ALL my financial aid stuff online. I even applied for a loan and got all that processing taken care of online. I'm just so amazed. I really like universities. xD

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Almond Cake...mmmm...

Yesterday I signed up for classes at UT Tyler! :X It was a big hassle to say the least. Since they are still reviewing my transcript I had to get permission codes to get into the classes I was trying to sign up for. @___@'' That took some time. Then my internet kept going out throughout the day....more than it usually does. Since I had to wait so long to sign up for classes I missed out on taking Calculus this semester because it got full. x___x So now I only have three classes that I am taking this semester: Computer Organization, Data Structures and Algorithms, and Business Writing & Oral Presentations. (ouch! I really don't wanna take that writing class but it is required for my degree x.x)

With the exception of a little cough and congestion, I am finally over whatever holiday sickness I had at least. ^^'' Yesterday I also applied for a Geek Squad position at Best Buy... doubt I'll get it since I have no job experience but I thought it was worth a shot since I am taking computer classes now and have my AS degree. As a second option I also applied for a sales associate position. I know I could get that easily since I have so much retail experience from BAM. @__@'' I kinda miss working there sometimes...but the store has changed a lot since I left and a lot of the people I knew don't work there anymore.

This morning I bathed Buu and Zoe in the bathtub. X3 That was fun. Zoe still has a hard time getting used to getting bathes. The weird thing is, she loves the water but she hates getting a bath! Needless to say the bathroom looked pretty muddy and hairy after bath time was over, lol. Now Terry and I are prepping the bathroom for us to paint the trim and window seal. We already painted over the ugly orange walls that were in there previously. <3 We painted the bathroom a very light brown, almost white color. It was called 'Almond Cake'. :p

Well now I should be getting ready to head to Tyler... I gotta take care of some paperwork there and get some other business done. ^^
