Sunday, May 15, 2011

Out of School!

I'm out of school! I'm out of school! I'm out of school! ^o^

Can you tell I'm excited? ;p I just finished up my last day of school Thursday. <3 I haven't gotten any of my grades back except for one, my business class, in which I pulled a 85. I'm hoping and praying over my computer classes, they were really tough. x___x

So since then I've been having a really good time taking it easy, catching up on chores, and taking care of business around the house. Ben's folkes are over for the weekend to help Ben with rewiring the house and fixing some plumbing issues. They had to cut off the power for several hours yesterday to work on it so Terry and I took off to do some shopping in Lufkin. :D It was fun.

I've also been working on some artwork in the mean time... I have this really big commission that is going to take me a whole month to do, and other personal projects of my own. SOMEDAY, someday... I may get around to writing a story about Bluie's Island. :X I'm also considering starting another website about my spiritual walk with God, basically a testimonial site.

I'm supposed to start summer school on the 18th, but I haven't even signed up for it yet... >.> not exactly ready to go back so quickly, lol.

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