Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas Weekend

Well my Christmas weekend was fun. u__u'' I had the flu for Christmas... yippie. I knew I was getting sick on Wednesday but I hoping it was just one of those 24 hour bugs. Sadly, it wasn't. x_x'' I went to Arkansas with Ben to visit his sister and her kids. I would not have gone with him had I known I actually had the flu. I threw up on the plane, threw up at their house, in their van...

On a brighter note, I am feeling better now. :D Monday I started to feel much more stable and yesterday I actually able to get out of the house and get some things done. <3 Last night Terry and I painted the ugly bathroom that is supposed to be the guest bathroom. xD It's so ugly! Or at least it WAS ugly. Now it is just kinda ugly, lol. We still have more painting to do tonight. All we painted was the cabinets. Tonight we are gonna paint the walls. <3 It's gonna look soooooo much better!

Hey Boudewijn, what's up with that comment you left me on my last post? xD Spam? Seriously? No, I really do have CS5! I got it for my 23rd birthday just a few months ago from academic superstore because I get a huge discount as a student. I also started playing Minecraft after Ben showed me how awesome it was. ... wait, were you just pulling my leg? :p

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, uh, oops. xD I really thought it was spam, sorry. Since it was all about that one piece of software and nothing about current events, it seemed out of place.
I also feel embarrassed for not wishing you a merry Christmas. Sorry! O.o;

I hope you get well soon, it's terrible to have the flu and having to throw up. It's still nice to spend time with family!
